Nothing beats a Strawberry Ice Cream Cone from Lewis Farms

By TheCulinaryGeek from Chicago, USA (Strawberry Ice Cream ConeUploaded by Mindmatrix) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
By TheCulinaryGeek from Chicago, USA (Strawberry Ice Cream ConeUploaded by Mindmatrix) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
If you haven’t visited Lewis Farms on Gordon Road in north Wilmington (near Ogden) for fresh strawberry ice cream you are missing out. There is no better way to spend an hour on a Sunday afternoon (or any afternoon) in Spring or Summer than to visit Lewis Farms and enjoy some ice cream!

The ice cream is delicious and the prices are very reasonable.

Visit their Website or ‘Like’ them on facebook!

North Experiment Station Brewery opens in Shallotte

34 Degree North Experiment Station, Shallote, N.C.
34 Degree North Experiment Station, Shallote, N.C.

The Red Hare Brewing Website announced:

“Red Hare Brewing Company is heading to the coast and opening their second brewery in Shallotte, North Carolina — just up river from Ocean Isle Beach. This new brewery will primarily focus on barrel aging and open fermentation, while serving as an experimentation station for the ever-increasing diversity of beer flavors and brewing processes. “

Topsail Steamer coming to Wrightsville Beach

One of the Topsail Steamer signature bucket dishes. YUM!
One of the Topsail Steamer signature bucket dishes. YUM!

A new ‘local shop’ owned by Danielle Mahon is coming to Wrightsville Beach and will open around the busy Memorial Day weekend. The store will be located in the Landing Shopping Center at 530 CAUSEWAY DRIVE (UNIT 8).

Read more about it in this post – “Wrightsville Beach approves Topsail Steamer, offering seafood pots to go.”

Visit the Topsail Steamer Website to learn more about the business and its offerings.

Cape Fear Moving Forward wants to hear from you!

Screenshot of Public Input Map -
Screenshot of Public Input Map –

“Cape Fear Moving Forward 2045 will be the plan used by federal, state, and local governments to guide transportation projects in our region over the next 25 years. The creation of this plan is a requirement in order to secure federal transportation dollars for our region. Cape Fear Moving Forward 2045 will replace our current plan, Cape Fear Transportation 2040, which will expire in November 2020.”…

“Are you ready to get involved? Visit our interactive map to provide feedback for future projects and take our short transportation survey now!”

Refer to the following…

About the organinzation:

“The Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (WMPO) is the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the greater Wilmington area. MPOs are federally-funded organizations charged with coordinating and planning transportation projects in urbanized areas with more than 50,000 residents. The WMPO originated in 1978 and today represents a population of over 280,000.”

The WMPO’s member jurisdictions include three counties and seven incorporated cities and towns:

  • City of Wilmington
  • New Hanover County
  • Pender County
  • Town of Leland
  • Brunswick County
  • Town of Carolina Beach
  • Town of Wrightsville Beach
  • Town of Kure Beach article about the long range planning and seeking your input: “Rail relocation, bike paths, street plans — here’s your chance to comment on long-range transportation plans”

YWCA announces new business development initiative

YWCA is on a mission logo
YWCA is on a mission logo


“The YWCA Lower Cape Fear is proud to announce the unveiling of a new business development initiative, Coastal Women’s Ventures, created in partnership with Carolina Small Business Development Fund. Coastal Women’s Ventures is a collaborative program focused on creating and supporting small business opportunities for women entrepreneurs through business coaching, mentoring, small business education, and connecting participants to loan capital.” Source: YWCA