Nothing beats a Strawberry Ice Cream Cone from Lewis Farms

By TheCulinaryGeek from Chicago, USA (Strawberry Ice Cream ConeUploaded by Mindmatrix) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
By TheCulinaryGeek from Chicago, USA (Strawberry Ice Cream ConeUploaded by Mindmatrix) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
If you haven’t visited Lewis Farms on Gordon Road in north Wilmington (near Ogden) for fresh strawberry ice cream you are missing out. There is no better way to spend an hour on a Sunday afternoon (or any afternoon) in Spring or Summer than to visit Lewis Farms and enjoy some ice cream!

The ice cream is delicious and the prices are very reasonable.

Visit their Website or ‘Like’ them on facebook!