Cape Fear Ferry Tales, takes the reader on a leisurely journey of discovery down and back up the Cape Fear River. In this book, Larry Modlin shares stories from his life growing up in Eastern North Carolina and what he discovers working as a deckhand aboard the ferry M/V Southport. It colorfully illustrates how he came to understand that there is more to living than just going with the flow. His book is a love letter to the passengers, crew and vessels that changed the way he looks at the world.
First printing March 2018, 100 pp, 10 x 7 ISBN 978-0-9984115-2-1 Paperback – Retail $12.95
“Cape Fear Moving Forward 2045 will be the plan used by federal, state, and local governments to guide transportation projects in our region over the next 25 years. The creation of this plan is a requirement in order to secure federal transportation dollars for our region. Cape Fear Moving Forward 2045 will replace our current plan, Cape Fear Transportation 2040, which will expire in November 2020.”…
“Are you ready to get involved? Visit our interactive map to provide feedback for future projects and take our short transportation survey now!”
“The Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (WMPO) is the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the greater Wilmington area. MPOs are federally-funded organizations charged with coordinating and planning transportation projects in urbanized areas with more than 50,000 residents. The WMPO originated in 1978 and today represents a population of over 280,000.”
The WMPO’s member jurisdictions include three counties and seven incorporated cities and towns: